Hand Made Wooden Car

The “Tryane II” is hand-made wooden car, put together with a method similar to that used by boat builders, described by its creator Friend Wood as “dozens of narrow strips of mahogany veneer, glued with epoxy resin, laid in 3 layers over a male mould.”, he said:
!I measured the 2CV components before making some 1/5th scale drawings of the proposed car. I then carved a similar scale body model to check the drawings. Once satisfied I drew out the lines full size on two sheets of hardboard. From these lines I constructed a male mould made from chipboard formers and softwood laths to the shape of the body shell. On to this mould I stapled and glued three layers of l.5mm mahogany veneers, This process took over 600 hours and 20,000 staples, all of which were pulled out when the glue was dry.”

Source & Image:
Tryane II Via Dethroner

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