Google's Android,A threat to Symbian Phones

Open source invades the last frontier of mobile OS.
GOOGLE HAS BEEN ENDLESSLY waiting for the operating systems(OS) for the mobile phones,and has finally selected "ANDROID".
Google will soon be offering the "Android" OS for the mobiles which has become a reality thanks to the open handset alliance,a group of more than 30 technology and mobile companies which have come together to accelerate innovation in mobile and offer consumers a richer,less expensive,and better mobile experience.
Symbian,the common OS in the existing mobile phones will soon face a daunting challenge from Android,which is claimed to be the first complete,open and free mobile platform.That's not enough,the
search engine giant,Google has launched the Android Developer Challenge,which will provide US$10 million in awards for great mobile apps built on the Android platform.
The contest which is open from 2nd januvary 2008 till march 3rd,is attracting developers from around the globe to develop applications that surprise and delight mobile users.The alliance boasts of who's who of the mobile industre,and company like LG is launhing its next mbile phone(KU990)loaded with Android.Samsung is also exited and has lined up few new models for the new year.The future of mobile phones is diificult to predict as companies like Intel,Nvidia and Motorola have joined the Android-base bandwagon.
With the rise of Google's android ,symbian may be the history of mobile platforms.Let us expect less expensive mobile phones with more advanced and rich features like that of Apple's Iphone.

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