Intel Core 2 duo Processor

Intel Core 2 Duo
Based on Intel Core microarchitecture, the Intel Core 2 Duo processor family is designed to provide powerful energy-efficient performance so you can have more performance.

Core 2 Duo Desktop Processor

With Intel Core 2 Duo desktop processor, you'll experience revolutionary performance, unbelievable system responsiveness, and energy-efficiency second to none.And, you don't need to slow down for virus scan, multiple compute intensive programs, or multimedia downloads-these desktop processors are up to 40 percent faster with improved energy-efficiency.

The Intel Core 2 Duo processor-based desktop PC was designed from the ground up for energy efficiency, letting you enjoy higher performing, ultra-quiet, sleek, and low power desktop PC designs.Do more at the same time, like playing your favorite music, running virus scan in the background, and all while you edit video or pictures. The powerful Intel Core 2 Duo desktop processor provides you with the speed you need to perform any and all tasks imaginable.

Core 2 duo processor provides
• Up to 6MB L2 cache
• Up to 1333 MHz front side bus

Intel® Core™ 2 Duo mobile processors
At the dual-core heart of Intel® Centrino®2 processor technology, the Intel® Core™2 Duo processor family features a faster FSB (up to 1066 MHz), higher clock speeds, and enhanced microarchitecture technologies, helping to maximize Intel®Centrino®2 processor technology's dual-core performance and power savings.

Core 2 Duo Mobile processor provides
• 6 MB of total L2 cache
• Up to 1066 MHz front side bus

The Core 2 Duo Line
The Core 2 Duo processor line ranges from the 1.86-GHz E6300 chip ($183) with 2MB of cache to the 2.93-GHz Core 2 Extreme X6800 chip ($999) with 4MB of cache; all have a 1066-MHz system bus. (Intel leaves the "Duo" designation off of its X6800 CPU.)Though Core 2 Duo chips use the same Socket 775 interface as current Pentium 4 and Pentium D chips, they require new chip sets, so you'll have to get a new motherboard--you can't just pop a Core 2 Duo chip into your existing Intel-based PC and reap the tremendous performance gains. The Core 2 Duo reference systems we tested used a motherboard with Intel's 975X Express chip set (boards using the P965 Express chip set will also be available); nVidia and ATI have their own Core 2 Duo boards as well.

The new processors and systems will be on sale from various vendors beginning July 27, with some configurations of Core 2 Duo machines checking in at surprisingly reasonable prices.

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