Though the processor is very fast but it is low on power consumption.
IBM HAS RECENTLY LAUNCHED THE WORLD'S FASTEST COMPUTER processor chip called the dual-core POWER6 in india.
With this launch,the company's system p570,which the company claims to be the world's most powerful midrange consolidation machine,and bladeCentre jS22 servers,both powered by this new chip,would be available in the country.
According to morgan stanley,energy used to ower and cool today's data centres represents 44 per cent of the center's total cost of ownership and for a company of any size today,a 50 per cent saving is huge.
In 2007,$10 billion has been spent on data centre energy requirements worldwide,and IDC predicts that power and cooling spend in the data centre will grow eight times the rate of hardware spend.For the cost conscious indian companies,virtulisation and adoption of green technologies is the ideal solution.
The new chip at 4.7 GHZ,is twice as fast as its predecessor,but uses nearly the same amount of electercity to run and cool.This means customers can use the new processor to either increase their performance by 100 per cent or cut their power consumption by 50 per cent,said Manish Gupta who heads the research Lab at IBM
The Power6 chip is arguably IBM's most sophisticated processor, and includes decimal math units and Altivec VMX vector co-processors as well as four-threads running at the highest clock speeds available in the IT space. They offer approximately 50 percent more oomph than IBM's Power5+ processors, which were also dual-core processors but which had significantly lower clock speeds. This AltiVec feature is disabled in the 520 Express machine, but is available in the 550 Express machine and in the existing 570 machines in the System p and System i lines. IBM currently has Power6 cores running at 3.5 GHz, 4 GHz (in the JS22 blade server), 4.2 GHz, and 4.7 GHz. Not all of these different speeds are available in the two new machines announced today.