Car Sun Visor with TV/DVD Player

The Sun Visor Theater comes ready to install into your favorite vehicle. Be ready to transport your family through a whole new world or entertainment on your next trip to the family get together. Your Sun Visor Theater comes with cables for power, USB, and antenna connections. There is even a remote control to manage playback or use the touch screen feature of the LCD. The only thing missing is your favorite movie list.
The Sun Visor comes complete with a 7 inch 16:9 LCD screen with the 16:9 movie theater aspect ratio, your favorite films will have you wishing that the next movie you see in a theater have seats as comfortable as your dream car! Certainly, the brilliant 7" LCD screen will keep the passenger seat filled all the time, but the Sun Visor Theater also features an in visor DVD/CD player. You can use any of the following formatted discs: DVD, VCD, CD, MP3, CD-R, CD-RW. On top of that, there is also an SD card reader and even a USB port to plug in your computer.
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